(London, Ky.)
If you are passionate about something you will pursue it with every thing that you have. Passion is something people see.
Marie Rader of Jackson County had resigned her seat as a Representative for the 89th district effective December 31, 2017.
There was a special session in Jackson County on January 2, 2018 to vote and decide who would be the Republican Nominee to fill Representative Rader’s term. Robert Goforth was chosen to be the nominee.
There will be three huge elections. One on February 27, 2018 to finish out this term. Goforth is a Republican and a resident of Laurel County.
The special election on February 27th includes Laurel, Jackson, and Madison Counties. Goforth loves each of these counties. The people have a voice and Goforth will be their voice in Frankfort, Ky.
Goforth has four children he is pro life. He supports traditional marriage [one man and one woman].
Goforth has invested his own money in this campaign because he believes in what he is doing. Who else would invest their own money with no promise of a victory? Goforth believes in what he is doing.
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However he can not fix it if he is not elected. Robert Goforth is a Christian we need Christians who can serve and who will serve in public elected office.
There is so much the Republicans can accomplish this term and with the right people in office they can accomplish their goals this term.
Goforth is a man of zeal. Goforth has a passion to serve both in Laurel County and the 89th district of Kentucky.
We need to elect Robert Goforth on February 27, in May, and in November. He can not be your voice if he is not elected in February, May, and November.
Their is no one who has the passion to represent the 89th district like Robert Goforth. He will do what his constituents want, he will be their voice in Frankfort, Ky..