(London, Ky.)
Have you ever felt like giving up? One time or another we have all felt like giving up.
Imagine that you had a best friend for what seams like forever. Imagine that the best friend did research on quality of life improvement for you.
Imagine that the best friend gives up on life and dies. How would you feel?
You would feel like no one knows what it is like or understands or even cares. You would feel like giving up.
There is always hope and that is why no one should give up no matter how hard life gets.
Imagine that you had an uncle who would encourage you and walk with you every night. Think about this you are making actual steps and walking.
Imagine that your walking partner and encourager dies. How would you feel?
You would feel like there is no one to encourage you. You would feel like there is no one to walk with you so why try.
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How do you go on? You put one fooot in front of the other that is how. Yes it is hard, however it is doable.
If life was easy no one would commit suicide.
There is light at the end of the road if you do not give up! Sometimes you have to look in the mirror and talk to yourself because you are the only one you will believe.
Life can be difficult for some and easier for others, however it is life. Remember this verse in Galatians 6:9 in the amplified classical version, And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.
When somebody gives up they die. They might not immediately physically die. However when you give up you die. No one needs to die before their time that is why it is important to never give up!
There is always hope and that is why no one should give up no matter how hard life gets.