(London. Ky.)
Imagine building a church, home, or store. What do you think is done first? You would start with the foundation, a strong building needs a firm, deep, and strong foundation.
You would not build the roof before the foundation is laid. Prayer is a foundation to a strong Christian person.
Why do you pray and do all the talking? Prayer is communication. You would be upset if your friends, husband, wife, brother, or sister did not listen to you.
A family that prays together stays together. We have families that fail because there is no prayer.
Our nation has homosexual marriage as “law” because the church did not pray. We have murder as choice because the church did not pray.
Prayer is more than you giving your grocery list. God talks we are too busy giving our list that we do not listen.
You do not have to hear thunder and see lighting to hear God. He speaks in still small voice some people say it is a whisper.
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There is noise in a war sometimes prayer is loud. When your prayer life is right your life will be right and in line.
Communication is talking and listening our prayers are not answered because we do all the talking and no listening.
We should pray and not give up.
A relationship can not last without communication; God is calling nevertheless are we answering the call or are we busy to listen and answer the call.
When we rebuild the foundation of prayer then our life will be getting back on track.