(London, Ky.)
I had gone to bed at 130 a.m. and I had got up at 12:55 p.m., I ate oatmeal and cereal. Last night I ate a big bowl of tuna helper.
Last Sunday, I had stayed with my parents and had heart doctor appointment they rescheduled again, however my blood pressure medicine is t the pharmacy THE GOOD DOCTOR heart doctor people called and checked.
I have stayed in the word this year so far this year; last Sunday I finished my Kenneth Copeland faith to faith devotional and today I finished my 100 days of hope reading plan.
If we stay in the word and on our knees sin will not be a problem.
I have a busy rest of the year with appointments. I see doctor Khan my neurologist for my refills on my medicine. Thursday, I go to Vanderbilt in Nashville, Tenn., to check programming on Deep Brain Stimulation.
I have been drained wore out tired and depressed. However God is still God.
We have been [18] eighteen days without a drop of rain that could end Sunday going into next week.
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I have gained weight since the PDS PROGRAM has started I have had to buy bigger pants and bigger belt. My new balance shoes are gone the souls have came off I need some new new balance shoes to have built up I am wearing my black built up shoes right now.
I do not like how the nurse that came Thursday did. She showed up after 5:15 p.m. and she smelled like smoke. She did not take my blood pressure or know how to fill my medicine tray. I will be glad when my regular nurse is back.
I now recognize faith is not denying you have a disability. With my dystonia condition it is hard for people to take me seriously. With my speech and movement challenges there is something I can do and that is writing. Just because I can not move with ease or talk eloquently does not mean to give up it means work harder write daily show people THE NO GAMES ZONE!
This has been a Saturday daily dose of the day in review.