(London, Ky.)
Have you ever had feeling you are being watched? You are always being watched. Last Monday, January 30th China had a spy balloon across America.
Read more: WHERE ARE YOUSome might say President Trump would have shot the balloon down; China owns America. America is in debt and in debt to China.
China could be preparing to use an EMP and shut America down. China knows everything about is billion plus people.
Everywhere a person goes and everything a person goes its documented. After thee attack in New York in 2001, Grant Jeffery was on the THIS IS YOUR DAY hosted by Benny Hinn; Jeffery stated that there was a computer called echelon. Everything you do is documented.
In 2016, Hillary Clinton destroyed her cell phones and emails; however they was on file because echelon and the NSA. Everything is documented.
Where are you? Google and apple knows more about you than you know about you. Your conversations are recorded and your texts are on recorded even the websites are recorded. You can not hide nothing.
Where are you that is what God asked Adam after he ate the forbidden fruit. There is an all seeing eye more than God watching people are watching your life.
You can think no one is watching m and it will not hurt if do something, however the price always goes up. The ultimate cost is your soul.
Romans 6 and 23 the cost of sin is death and in hell. Hebrews 11 there is fun and pleasure in sin for short time. 2 Samuel King David watched live pornography and had sex he tried to cover it up however it costed him a child and the opportunity to build God a place.
Imagine you have been on drugs and you are in an car accident and someone dies, however it not only takes their life but yours because you wind up in prison.
Everything has a cost, however what are you willing to pay? What if you gained the world nevertheless lost your soul? How fun would being in agony be and forever.
Where are you today? There is an all seeing eye not just thee government however, God is watching your life and people are watching your life. It matters what you say and do.
Where are you today and you could say you are in a certain state and certain place; however really think about your life and examine your life. Nothing in your life is hidden.