(London, Ky.)
Many people have encouraging and inspirational messages, however there is only one message that stands today; with the greatest attack to come the church needs to stand and stand now.
People like Joel Osteen, can only make you feel so good and with him not saying homosexuality is a sin and there are many ways to heaven.
There is only one way to heaven and that is through Jesus Christ.
With more people staying home instead of going to church to watch a feel good message, Joel unlike hs father John has took down every cross in his area.
This feel good message will only get you so far.
Joel, spoke at the Houston, Tx., Lesbian mayor innagriation stating God raised her up for this day. He has not backed down from his statement.
In late 2014 the Houston, lesbian mayor subpoenaed sermons and speeches against homosexuality and churches across America stood up social media lit up because what was wrong is still wrong
It is coming to the point to where churches that speak against homosexuality loose there tax exempt status and the pastor or preachers that make a stand go to jail.
It is funny you can talk about and downgrade Christianity but if you talk about Islam you go to jail or are called racist. Islam is a terrorist religion. Christianity is a relationship.
Islam religion is what killed 3000 plus Americans on September 11, 2001.
Abraham had two sons but one promised son Ishmael and the promised son Isaac. When we see $2 plus gas Ishmael and oil rich Islamic nations. God keeps is promises!.
Families are separated because of religion. The first murder was over religion. We now have ISIS not ISIL as The American President calls it ISS is a Islamic terrorist organization.
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The greatest attack against the church is yet to come. It is time for the true church to stand up
Homosexuality was wrong and is still wrong.
In this term the Supreme Court of America will hear three key cases. One case is to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol. This verse still applies I will gather all nations and will bring them down into the Valley of Jehoshaphat, and there will I deal with and execute judgment upon them for [their treatment of] My people and of My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations and [because] they have divided My land. Joel 3:2 amp
No other issue has divided America more than the issue of homosexual marriage. In April, the court will hear two key cases on homosexual marriage whether states have to recognize it and the other case being is it a constitutional “right.”
Every nation that makes a homosexual “marriage” a “right” the nation is a nation you hear very little about or is wiped completely off.
Too much is happening and is happening at a faster rate for a feel good message.
There is only one message that stand true and that message is Jesus the blood and the cross. All other messages are feel good messages motivational speeches. Preachers need to preach the Bible if you are not preaching the bible you are not preaching and you need to get off television.