(London, Ky.)
Traditional marriage is under attack; traditional marriage is really no more. In 2004, one prominent television preacher Rod Parsley from Columbus, Ohio went around preaching and going hard on homosexual marriage; Parsley authpred several best selling books.
With over 20 states recognizing homosexual [same sex] marriage and federal judges okaying it the issue is soon to be brought before the supreme court again. The supreme court ruled in June of 2013 that California can recognize homosexual marriage.
Kentucky’s Governor Steve Beshear who is a Democrat supports homosexual [same sex] marriage; his Democrat opponent for Governor Jack Conway does not support homosexual marriage. Conway stated because of his faith he can not support same sex marriage.
With homosexuals [same sex] couples asking and getting “fair treatment” there have been many counties enact fairness ordinances. There are currently in Kentucky there are six known city or county governments that have a human right ordinance – often referred to as the Fairness Ordinance – to protect lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender person from discrimination in housing, public accommodation, or employment. Several communities with a Fairness Ordinance are nearby, including Morehead, Frankfort, Lexington, Vicco, and Danville. The city of Danville recently passed a “fairness” ordinance.
“More churches denominations are embracing homosexual [same sex] marriage, Pastor Patty Campbell said. “Grace Fellowship is a Bible believing church, the Bible says marriage is between one man and one woman.”
Campbell and her husband Dale have been in ministry for nearly thirty years and they have served as pastors of Grace Fellowship Church for over decade now.
“If the Church of God okays same sex marriage I will turn in my ordination papers and license,” Pastor Bryan Montgomery said.
Montgomery is the pastor of the Danville Church of God; he resigned as pastor of East Bernstadt Church of God after only two years.
The issue of homosexual [same sex] marriage has and will affect all of us.
With only 9 states in America having bans on same sex marriage or similar to marriage, according to the website of the List of U.S. state laws on same-sex unions website. With 3 of those 9 states are in the northern plains and the rest are in the south. On Wednesday July 9, Utah is going to challenge same sex marriage in the Supreme Court, according to AP News.
The supreme court could take the issue of same sex homosexual in the next court session and rule on it in June 2015, same sex couples could legally get “married.”
“You cant legislate morality,” Gabriel Swaggart said on his living waters music program in 2014.
Let’s look at abortion The Supreme Court of America legalized it in 1973, now a woman can legally murder a baby and call it choice; however if an animal gets hurt or abused some one could go to jail for that.
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With less than 20 countries in the world that has over 200 countries recognize same sex homosexual marriage, according to the website of Same-sex marriage.
Many Bible believing prophecy people feel that it is only a matter of time until America is judged. Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, La., before homosexual parade. Israel was in a conflict in that same time period. The same term for both Israeli and American people was used “refugees.” Time will tell what is going to happen. In the Bible it tells what happened to places that continued this lifestyle. Many bible believing people believing people believe Romans 1 still applies.
As America tries to get Israel to give up more land, could America be divided by an earthquake? Many believe the New Madrid fault is showing signs of a shaking and it is not if but when.
There are those who believe that America’s economy will crash bringing in a one world currency, John Hagee, Perry Stone, and Jonathan Cahn say all three bible prophecy teachers.
Homosexual are demanding rights that is something that used to be privileged and honorable. Homosexuals want the rights but not responsibility of staying with one person, courts will be inundated with “marriages” and “divorces.”
Same Sex couples are demanding and getting “fairness.” Homosexuals have become a special class demand to have civil rights like regular people have.
Marriage used to be sacred a covenant, however with the healthcare law in place it penalizes people for getting married and staying married except homosexuals. Homosexuals are given special and unprecedented rights.
“The beast is coming back,” Pastor Tommy Bates said, in a revival break out service at World Harvest Church in Columbus, Ohio.
The beat has returned; as the church is under attack now. A Houston, Tx., lesbian mayor subpoenaed sermons and speeches by pastors and they resisted she has since backed down.
Marriage is under attack. Traditional marriage could no longer be marriage.
Joshua Robinson