(Pittsburg, Ky.)
It is never too early to plan for reunions and to plan for the spring and summer events and for those who are planning Spring a reunions and small church activities, The Pittsburg Memorial Park is the place to be.
The Memorial Park is located in Pittsburg on Hwy 3434 and old Richmond rd. people who lived here all there life call the road “Star Hill.”
Parks are designed for different purposes and are made differently; The Memorial Park is to raise funds for The Pittsburg cemetery.
“The park was donated in the 1940’s to raise money for the Pittsburg Cemetery,” Glendon Eugene said
This park has a shelter house, kitchen area, picnic benches to eat on, and horse shoe area. It also has a small stage for church singings and other group singings.
The shelter house is an open shelter house not closed in with walls like a house; if you like to eat outside and be in a small group area this is the perfect place to be.
There are two public restrooms on the side of the shelter house.
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Reservations need to be made at least a year in advance; the cost to rent the park is $60 for reunions.
A way to commemorate your loved ones and help the Pittsburg cemetery, if you just want to help the cemetery; is to have your family reunion or church gathering at the Pittsburg Memorial Park. It is a different place and way to celebrate.
To make a reservation for The Memorial Park contact Ed Woody, 583 Old Whitley Rd. London, Ky. 40744 606-864-4487. Woody is the one who Manages The Memorial Park.
Woody had no comment other than to say he is a trustee of park and cemetery. However for more information you can reach Don Jeffery, the president of the park and cemetery.